Leads A’La Carte

With our Leads A’La Carte management system, AtLeads gives you the capability of manually selecting each lead that you choose to purchase based on criteria and other specific parameters that suit your needs. The A’La Carte system is an easy to use management system that not only allows this special lead selection feature, but also provides a detailed section for you to update loan origination status and reports so that you always have your pipeline at your fingertips.

This system allows you to search for leads up to 120 days old, giving those on a lower budget the opportunity to purchase leads at a discounted price by purchasing slightly aged leads. There is no question that although these leads may have already been contacted by other loan officers, there is still a percentage of these ‘vintage’ leads who are yet to speak with a qualified loan specialist. In a recent test conducted by the AtLeads quality control team, 250 90 day old leads were contacted and consumer information was reconfirmed. Of those 250 leads, there still remained an astonishing number of full 1003 applications that were generated from the call center.

This simply proves that regardless of age or criteria, the data that AtLeads has to offer is of the highest quality and consistency. Once you have created your broker login and password, you will find a helpful tutorial inside to assist you in your lead purchasing experience. The A’La Carte system has been designed to be easy to use, yet very proficient and detailed with the most extensive searches available. Signup is free, and there are no minimums when purchasing leads from our A’La Carte system. All leads are guaranteed 100% accurate contact information, or AtLeads will replace each lead on a one to one basis. Sign up today to begin optimizing your business with our Leads A’La Carte system!